Monday 13 August 2018

Grandmanner Building for Sale

I haven't been able to attend to my blog for sometime, this is due to returning to University, second time, same college!

As a result of a lack of space and a low bursary I'm having a clear out of my non essential wargames items. Currently on eBay are a the three Grandmanner buildings that I painted for my 1866 Project. They are the Lindenhau House, Holzhausen Thatched Cottage and Connewitz Single Story House, from their 28mm Napoleonic Era range.
I'll also be listing my 1866 figures in their entirety once I retrieve them for storage this afternoon.

Other items will include Anglo-Zulu War and other items as I work through the collection.

I'll be attending Partizan this Sunday 19th August if anyone would like me to deliver, or failing that just a chat.

Click on any picture to enlarge