Friday, 31 January 2025

Goth infantry 3 the hordes keep coming!


The latest batch of Goth infantry are 15mm Essex Miniatures. These are part of an Essex Miniatures Goth army pack that I picked up cheap off eBay, and although the coffin shields are no longer on vogue I'm personally not overly concerned. These will do service in my Goth army and in any army go the period that require a similar troop type. 

Good progress has been made on the Picts, only a chariot, 12 cavalry and 16 warriors left from the lead pile. I'm also painting up the Arthurian Heroes of Camelot pack and a few supporting warriors from Warlord Games, these are nearly finished as type this post. Hopefully, I'll be able to get the first batch of Picts based and photographed for the next blog post. 

Friday, 24 January 2025

Frankish Cavalry

The latest addition is a unit of 15mm Frankish Cavalry from Forged in Battle. After painting 15mm almost exclusively for 2024 I felt the urge for a change. Currently on the painting table are 28mm Picts and Late Romans. Progress has been good, so good in fact that I now have a backlog in the basing department. I have found this switch between scales to be quite productive as I’ve maintained interest to paint a little every day. 


On another topic an episode on the Mesopotamia theatre during World War One on the Yarkshire Gamer podcast had me buying a copy of When God Made Hell by Charles Townshend. This campaign has always held an interest for me, as my Great Grandfather served and died in Mesopotamia during the First World War. It should make an interesting read, and maybe inspire a wargames project for the future.




Friday, 17 January 2025

Frankish Infantry

To begin I have to say that I really enjoyed painting these miniatures. The figures are 15mm Old Glory and Gladiator Miniatures, the latter I believe are Josef Ochmann sculpts which are beautiful. Sadly, with Fighting 15s closing due to retirement I'm not sure if Gladiator Miniatures will be picked up and continue to be made available. 


Currently on the painting table there's been shift from 15mm to 28mm Picts and a handful of part painted Normans I found in a box and decided to finish off. Lots of basing currently going on as well, so plenty of painted miniatures to add to the blog. While painting I've enjoyed listening to Yarkshire Gamer blog, loved the Trevor Dixon episode, though to be fair it's very hard to highlight one episode as they are all excellent. I've also been listening to the Too Fat Lardies podcast, another painting companion which I very much enjoy. As a Mental Health Nurse I'm a strong advocate for the benefits a hobby can bring; and I from a personal perspective I find painting extremely beneficial. I find it quite heartening to see the topic of mental health being openly discussed within the hobby, and proud to be part of a hobby community that can provide such a positive space. 


Friday, 10 January 2025

Goth Cavalry


Goth cavalry, 15/18mm Lancashire Games miniatures. I really like the charging look of these figures, sweeping across the battlefield. During the last few weeks I've been busy rooting through boxes and rebasing figures that I've come across. This has led me to find some forgotten miniatures, namely some 28mm Picts and Early Saxons. So, I've started painting up the Picts, fortunately these were already undercoated. I've also decided that I will keep a log of everything I paint this year, will be interesting to see if I'm being realistic in the plans I'm making. I did do a tally of last years 15mm painting without expecting much and found that I'd painted around 950 figures. Not too bad considering I don't feel I spent much time painting.