Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Pict Hunters

28mm Pict Hunters, from Footsore Miniatures. Interestingly, I've received results this week from a DNA test, and it appears that when compared to the reference samples I return 29.4% Pict (AD 300-500). Not sure of the accuracy but it maybe goes some way to explaining my affinity for this army. Anyhow, I'll accept it for now and let loose my inner Pict on the tabletop! 

I've included the reference samples and article below for those interested. Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing how future research reveals our distant ancestry. 

The reference sample used to determine Pictish DNA were VK201, VK202, VK203 and VK207. 

  1. Magaryan, A., Lawson, D.J., Sikora, al. stated that, 

    "... four (VK201, VK202, VK203 and VK207) of these

  2. samples have over 85% “UK” ancestry and are genetically similar to present-day Irish and Scottish populations (Figs 3a and S10.1, Supplementary Table 6), which is in contrast to the isotopic evidence43. Haplotype-based analyses corroborate that four of these samples possessed local genetic ancestries, with little Scandinavian contribution. Only two individuals - VK204 and VK205 - displayed c. 50% Norwegian and Danish ancestries (Supplementary Table 6), respectively, which may indicate admixture between the locals and Scandinavians on the Orkney Islands during the VA. The four ancient genomes of Orkney individuals with little Scandinavian ancestry may be the first ones of Pictish people published to date (Supplementary Note 12). Yet a similar (>80% “UK” ancestry) individual was found in Ireland (VK545) and five in Scandinavia, implying that Pictish populations were integrated into Scandinavian culture by the Viking Age."

  3. Magaryan, A., Lawson, D.J., Sikora, al. Population genomicsof the Viking world. Nature 585, 390-396 (2020).

Monday, 17 February 2025

Pict Warriors with Javelins

A little bit later than planned, the Picts have arrived. The are Pict warriors with javelins from Footsore Miniatures. I've chosen to base these individually on 25mm bases with the intention of playing SAGA, Dux Britanniarum and Lion Rampant. I can't speak highly enough about how lovely these miniatures are, and an absolute joy to paint. The only downside I have is drilling out the hands, but I can easily get over that (I'm just lazy!). I've lots of Picts to show but will mix other figures into the posts rather than dominate the next few weeks with Picts. Just to keep things interesting I've some Early Saxons, Late Romans and Arthurian to show in 28mm and more 15mm that I need to get photographed. 

The painting table sees more Picts, then I've prepped Late Romans and Early Saxons. 

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Goth Archers


The Goths just keep coming, now you know how the Romans felt! Bit of a delay on posting the Picts this week as basing is being finished off. So, I thought I offer up these Goth archers, these are 15mm Essex Miniatures from the lead pile. 


Painting this week has seen me complete a Pict chariot and some Arthurian figures. These are in the basing queue and will be making their appearance on the blog over the coming weeks. The rest of the time has been spent preparing the next batch for painting, cleaning castings and gluing spear and shields in place ready for undercoating. I've also made some broom bristle spears for the first time, hoping they look okay once painted up!