Sunday 20 October 2024

King Arthur the once and future king

Personal Note - please skip if you just want to get into the wargaming stuff. 

Once more I'm restarting the blog, the last stalled attempt came due to a number of personal factors that left me not feeling like writing. A work place assault, and a decline in my physical health and the subsequent realisation that I cannot continue in my current role long term; I don't bounce as well as I used to! Nothing serious but enough to conspire against me and keep me off work for a period. Rest assured normal service has been resumed. So, without further ado, here's my current thoughts and update of what to expect. 

There appears to be a resurgence of Arthurian wargaming on the horizon with the Warlord Games release of the Hail Caesar Supplement Once & Future King. Needless to say the butterfly in me had emerged, and despite having rules covering Arthurian wargaming I find this is one more addition that I cannot resist so my preorder has gone in. I'm not viewing this a a distraction from ongoing projects but more of a complementary side project for which I already have figures, both painted and unpainted (see what I'm doing there, those who don't know me might accuse me of being a politician and rewriting my own rules for wargames projects!). I also think this will fit in nicely with my Late Roman project, which has recently taken a very distinct 3rd Century Crisis flavour, I've acquired some reading material and a 3rd Century Roman army from Forged in Battle during their recent Summer Sale. More of that in another post.

Progress has been made on 15mm figures, some DBA armies; Frankish, Goth, Hun and Alan contingents for my Late Roman project are well under way. The 3rd Century Romans are calling and might get pushed up the queue before the others are completed. I've also indulged in two armies close to my heart to fight against my Late Republican Romans, Numidian and Slave Rebellions; Jugurtha and Spartacus will be coming to a wargames table and a blog sometime soon. I'm also putting together a small 28mm jousting game, and have just taken delivery of three of the named knight sets from First Corps. All of this alongside the 10mm ACW project. More details of these in future posts.


  1. Sorry to hear about your travails Meic, doesn't sound too nice. Looking forward to seeing how your projects progress.

    1. Thanks Donnie, unfortunately a risk of the job. I'm looking forward to progressing some projects.
