Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Goth infantry 2

The Goths are invading! More infantry support for my Goth armies, these are 15mm Old Glory Miniatures and are sold by TimeCast Models in the UK. I still think these are great miniatures and are worthwhile looking at, plus the service from TimeCast is excellent. The shields are hand painted, and look much better  viewed at a distance, 3ft rule! Also after listening to an episode on the Yarkshire Gamer podcast with Henry Hyde as the guest, I've started to paint the edges of my bases. Those not familiar with the podcast, there is a section based on Room 101, a repository for wargaming dislikes/hates. If you haven't discovered Yarkshire Gamer podcasts, they are an excellent companion to the painting table, very enjoyable. 

On the work bench I have some 15mm Goth Cavalry just waiting for basing. I've also finished the first set for Empire of the Dead figures, though I have to sort out the basing and I'm pondering whether to buy cobblestone bases, sculpt with putty or use soft foam. That will be a post on it's own. On the painting I've finally started my 15mm Middle Imperial Romans form Forged in Battle

Social media wise, I've joined Bluesky, and it already appears a far friendly place to be than the other place that shall not be named. Henry Hyde has also set up a starter pack on Historical Miniature Wargaming, already expanded to a second pack. This already looks to be a promising way to link like minded people. 

Monday, 9 December 2024

Ancient Spanish update

The Ancient Spanish forces are expanding. 15mm figures from Forged in Battle and Baueda. I now have enough painted to field all three DBA variants with support from my Caesarian Romans. The intention is to expand this starter force into a full army in its own right. The shields are LBM transfers, overpainted to tidy up where required.

The work station since the last post has seen lots of 15mm basing. I'm finding the basing tedious, in particular flocking...not my favourite part of the hobby. I've also prepped some more 10mm ACW figures. 

Other news, I have bought Midgard and planned an Arthurian theme in 15mm, it will be a while before this makes an appearance on the blog though given my ongoing projects. 

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Goth Infantry

For the first unit in my 15mm Goth army I've chosen some older miniatures. These are 15mm Goth infantry from Alternative Armies, sold under their Isaurus range. I believe they are formerly Table Top Miniatures. Despite there being only 3 poses, they are very cheap at 35p a casting and singles can be bought. I'm also very pleased about how these veteran miniatures have painted up. 

A couple of new purchases this week. The first is the Jon Hodgson backdrops book 1 - Fantasy. I purchased my copy from Bad Squidoo Games. The second is a new light box, I went for the 40x40cm PULUZ light box. I'm really pleased with both purchases. The light box is a considerable upgrade on my old one, with variable brightness and warm, cold and natural light settings. 

Currently on the painting table are some 15mm Alan and Goth cavalry, and a 28mm set for Empire of the Dead; Gentlemen's Club.