Monday, 9 December 2024

Ancient Spanish update

The Ancient Spanish forces are expanding. 15mm figures from Forged in Battle and Baueda. I now have enough painted to field all three DBA variants with support from my Caesarian Romans. The intention is to expand this starter force into a full army in its own right. The shields are LBM transfers, overpainted to tidy up where required.

The work station since the last post has seen lots of 15mm basing. I'm finding the basing tedious, in particular flocking...not my favourite part of the hobby. I've also prepped some more 10mm ACW figures. 

Other news, I have bought Midgard and planned an Arthurian theme in 15mm, it will be a while before this makes an appearance on the blog though given my ongoing projects. 


  1. Very nice! While there is a lot on your plate, I look forward to your first impressions of Midgard.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I'll hopefully get a chance to read through Midgard soon, even if I won't get to play a game for a while.

  2. Some impressive brushwork on show. Well done. The shields must have driven you crazy.

    1. Thank you, the shields are LBM transfers with some overpainting, a bit fiddly but I feel worth the effort.

  3. Very nice Meic, they look great, your basing looks grand, must admit I too find the whole basing thing rather tedious but worth it when you see the final result like this.

    1. Thanks Donnie, I've got boxes of flock and tufts they rarely make their way onto the figure bases, something I've vowed to rectify.

  4. Very nice Spanish Meic…
    I have Forged in Battle Dacians… lovely figures.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, not bought the Dacians yet; but have many other Forged in Battle armies to reveal.
