Saturday, 8 February 2025

Goth Archers


The Goths just keep coming, now you know how the Romans felt! Bit of a delay on posting the Picts this week as basing is being finished off. So, I thought I offer up these Goth archers, these are 15mm Essex Miniatures from the lead pile. 


Painting this week has seen me complete a Pict chariot and some Arthurian figures. These are in the basing queue and will be making their appearance on the blog over the coming weeks. The rest of the time has been spent preparing the next batch for painting, cleaning castings and gluing spear and shields in place ready for undercoating. I've also made some broom bristle spears for the first time, hoping they look okay once painted up!


  1. Fine looking archery line, Meic! You continue pushing out quality figures in quantity.

  2. Nice looking archers Meic, they look great, Be interested to see if the broom bristle spears work out.

    1. Thanks Donnie, the first batch have been improved upon but think they'll pass muster.

  3. Very nice Meic…
    These Goths certainly do just keep on coming….

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, think I'll give you all a break from Goths for a while.
