The other day I set up a small game of Bonnie Blue Flag to test the rules out. There were quite a few surprises during the play, and I found the rules fun and enjoyable to play. In this initial game skirmishers and cavalry were not deployed, though I don't feel their absence adversely affected the gaming experience.
A brief explanation of the rules: firing is automatic with the receiving unit testing for effect on a D100 role after applying various modifiers to a base value determined by troop quality. If under 10% is rolled on the percentile dice then a jeopardy rule comes into play and the unit is broken and removed from play. Testing units that fail then test on a results table to determine the outcome. Each unit possess a level of attrition points based on troop quality, though this can be adjusted to reflect historical situations where units although experienced or veteran may be battle worn. Generals have a number of attrition points that can be spent to bolster units that have received depletion of their own attrition. One aspect that I particularly like about the rules is the role for initiative each turn, this is a D6 role plus the commanders attrition, so it becomes important for the general to decide whether to spend those precious attrition points and possibly concede the initiative next turn.
The objective was as per the scenario in the rules; seize and control the crossroads. Initial dispositions saw the union forces deploying on turns 1 to 3 as follows:
Turn 1 - Veteran Infantry centre to advance on the crossroads.
Turn 2 - Experienced Infantry to union left flank, with Veteran artillery deploying Union left between the two infantry regiments.
Turn 3 - Raw infantry deploying to the Union right flank, and Experienced infantry to the Union left between the Raw infantry and Veteran infantry.
Following turn 3 the Union forces on the table had the Veteran infantry making a bold advance on the crossroads in the face of the oncoming Confederates' supported by the advancing Veteran artillery (who deployed) and the experienced infantry on their left flank. Turn 3, had seen the arrival of Union reinforcements on the right.
Raw Inf Experienced Inf
Veteran Art Experienced Inf
Veteran Inf
The Confederate forces deployed as follows:
Turn 1 - Raw Infantry centre to advance on the crossroads.
Turn 2 - Experienced infantry to the Confederate left flank, with Experienced artillery deploying to left between the two infantry regiments.
Turn 3 - Veteran infantry deploying to the Confederate right flank, and Veteran infantry to the Confederate right next to the Raw Infantry.
The early rounds had seen preliminary exchanges of fire between the forces as they advanced on the crossroads and sought to impose their presence on the battlefield, with both sides choosing to advance in the face of the enemy. The early exchanges went slightly in the favour of the Confederates as their Raw infantry in the centre exhibiting enthusiasm stood resolute and unyielding in the face of the Veteran Union infantry.
Turn 3 saw the Confederate forces seizing the initiative and continue to unleash a withering fire on the advancing experienced Union forces on the right, which ended the turn close to breaking. It was at this point that with the Confederate forces seemingly in the ascendancy that the dreaded 10% rule came into effect; when receiving fire from the Experienced Union infantry that had been so mercilessly itself subjected to intense fire.
The 10% rule - results in the immediate breaking of the testing unit; and heralded the ignominious breaking and flight from the field of the Veteran Confederate unit. Until this point I had the feeling that a comfortable Confederate victory was looming.
Turn 4, saw the initiative remaining with the Confederate forces, with the Union Veteran infantry in the centre coming under intense fire from both the Confederate artillery and Raw infantry. Despite taking heavy casualties the Veteran infantry managed to hold their ground in the face of this onslaught and return fire on the Confederate Raw infantry to the front. It was once again the misfortune of the Confederate forces to suffer the 10% rule as the previously defiant Raw infantry could take no more punishment, breaking and fleeing from the field.
The game continued until turn 8, where the pictures below show the final dispositions. The Confederate forces managed to give a sound account of themselves over the 4 turns, but the advantages in numbers for the Union only resulted in the a gradual depletion of Confederate attrition points, finally until their position became untenable and they were forced to leave the field. Given their performance following the misfortune of two 10% results, I would like to think the retreat was in good order.
The figures used it the battle were a mix of 28mm Sash and Sabre and Perry Miniatures on the Confederate side, and vintage 28mm Connoisseur Miniatures on the Union.
In summary Bonnie Blue Flag rules are fun, fast and certainly maintain a degree of uncertainty and potential for surprises during play with the roles for initiative and the 10% rule, adding to the overall enjoyment. The factor modifications for firing are easy to pick up after a few turns and I found myself hardly using the chart as the turns went on, only referring to the outcome resolution for units that failed their test under fire. I was particularly interested in the use of percentage dice for testing, and I think that this works exceptionally well, and can be extremely frustrating when rolling a 64% when 65% or over is needed; which in my mind adds to the fun. I also feel that these rules would be eminently capable of handling very large games.
Verdict: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, I will certainly be playing Bonnie Blue Flag.
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