Saturday 25 June 2022

The Graeae

It has been a slow week, recovering from been assaulted two days running on the ward and currently off with a mild concussion. As a consequence, no painting has been done, but I do have some figures to show that I'd painted after the last game of Mortal Gods

28mm Graeae from Wargames Foundry for games of Mortal Gods. I've had these figures in the lead pile for many years and thought they'd make suitable objective markers for games of Mortal Gods and Mortal Gods Mythic. The Perseus figure is part of the set as sold by Wargames Foundry

The Graeae are minor gods in Greek Mythology, probably most noted for their appearance in the myth of Perseus in his quest to find the location of three magic objects that could kill Medusa. They were the daughters of Phorcys, and Keto (sea gods) and their names were Enyo (Horror), Deino (Dread) and Pemphredo (Alarm).  The Graeae shared one tooth and an eye, which can be seen bring held out by one of the sisters. They were also sisters to the Gorgon Medusa, but not the other two Gorgons Theno and Euralys. More of the Gorgons in another post!



  1. Interesting looking figures Meic…
    At first I thought that they were the three weird sisters from Macbeth…
    Which I suppose they could double for at a push…
    I am sorry to hear that you had been assaulted at work not just once but twice… I really don’t understand people at times…
    I hope you feel better soon.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks that's a thought if I ever get around to rebuilding my SAGA Scots force.
      Unfortunately one of the risks of the job!
