Monday 10 June 2024

2024 what's been happening

This year has been very busy on the home front,  resulting in not much hobby time. Book purchases have played a large part, but I have managed to paint a couple of 15mm DBA armies and have finished the 15mm 100 Years War English pacto box from PSC. I hope to get some photos taken and post these on the blog soon. I've settled my mind on some projects that are hopefully manageable this year. 15mm Fall of the Roman Empire, a start has already been made on a Frankish contingent, Huns and some Gothic warriors. The second will be 10mm ACW, hence the photo at the top (a quick and dirty photo of what's to come). All these figures have been sitting patiently in the lead pile for many years and I feel it's now time to liberate them from their cardboard boxes and little plastic bags. 

Regarding the 10mm ACW project the rules of choice will be Fire and Fury second edition. I've previously dabbled in 10mm unsuccessfully, this can be attributed to lacking a firm plan about what I wanted to achieve, an all to familiar theme with my impulse purchases. After much thought and research I came across Jemima Fawr blog and their 10mm ACW project for Fire and Fury. I was suitably impressed and found their logic ticking all the same boxes I've been thinking about. So, I will be unashamedly pinching their ideas. This means base sizes  will be 20mm x 15mm stands for infantry.

Jemima Fawr blog, start of the ACW project can be found here:

The unsuccessful 10mm project was Seven Years War, and I have a couple of unpainted armies sitting around. Thoughts have also turned to these little soldiers and these 10mm armies might just be the ideal thing to get me into gaming the Seven Years War while I'm painting up the large pile of 18mm figures I have stockpiled. The rules will be Warfare in the Age of Reason and for these 10mm armies I think the bases will be 20mm x 20mm.