Thursday, 28 May 2015

18th Century Civilians - what's in the box?

Long hours at work this week has conspired to drastically reduce my hobby time. I did however manage to paint and base up a couple of civilian figures from Minden Miniatures.
These are going to add a bit of character to my AWI games, and play an active part in some future Musket and Tomahawk games.

I have quite a few more civilian figures to paint up over the next few months from Minden Miniatures and Perry Miniatures.
What's in the box - muskets, tea ....?

Click on picture to enlarge


  1. Excellent job on this vignette, well done!

  2. Thanks again for the kind words Phil, vignettes are not something I've worked on in the past, but very much influenced and inspired by John Ray and others, although having no sculpting ability very much rely on the many talented sculptures producing some wonderful minis - make my job easy.
