Monday 9 November 2015

English Civil War

While I'm painting the Gates of Antares figures, I thought I'd post some images of two units from my ECW collection. The first of these units incorporates a Pike unit that I bought off Ebay and was in sore need of reburbishment. Pikes were replaced, a wash with Army Painter strong tone ink was applied and quick higlights added. The rest of the unit was made up from new recruits. Flags are from the Bodys Banners range as sold by Redoubt Miniatures. 
I've always had a soft spot for the English Civil War, and have added to my collecction slowly over the years, sold part of it off (regrettably) and am now in the process of rebuilding. Once complete I will have forces for Parliament, Royalist, Scots Covenater and Montrose. 

Click on any picture to enlarge

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