Saturday 30 April 2022

Sea Peoples - Sheklesh

Sheklesh contingent for my Sea People army, from Wargames Foundry. The static grass and tufts are from WWScenics.

The Sheklesh are characterised by their swept back hair, there is suggestion that at some point they settled as the Sicels in Sicily. There is also reference to the Sheklesh being one of the tribes that were circumcised. It has been supposed that because of they were circumcised hands rather than genitals were removed from the dead and presented to the Pharaoh as a tally of his enemies. I wondered whether this practice was commonplace or in response to a particularly fearsome enemy, but some initial reading suggests that this was indeed commonplace by the Egyptians as a method of counting enemy slain with a reward being given for each enemy penis or hand presented.

I decided to tinker with the number of models on a base to give me some skirmishers. Depending on the rules I choose to play these can represent either 6 or 3 units. This enables me to play DBA, Impetus (Basic or Advanced), Hail Caesar or To the Strongest. Despite there only being 3 different figure variants for the Sheklesh I don't feel this detracts from the overall look of the units. 


  1. They look really nice Meic…
    The Foundry Bronze Age/ Biblical ranges have stood the test of time rather well…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. Completely agree, the Foundry Biblical ranges have aged gracefully. They're lovely figures to paint.

