Monday 11 July 2022

Mycenaean Skirmishers

I'm fortunate to be off work for a couple of days, and wanting to make some progress with my Bronze Age project. The challenge is what to do as temperatures reach the high 20's, as I write it's already 26 degrees C and rising. I might have a go at assembling chariots for the various Bronze Age armies, I think it might be too hot to paint, but sticking models together might be possible. 


Below are a mixture of Slingers and Archers for my Mycenaean army based as skirmishers. All the figures are 28mm Wargames Foundry. I’m still working on the Newline Designs contingent, and itching to get them finished, based and pictures posted on the blog. I’m also keen to complete the Mycenaean army and get cracking with the New Kingdom Egyptians. In the meantime, I do have a few posts ready to keep the blog ticking along until I have more Bronze Age updates. 


  1. Fine additions to your collection Meic…
    And suitably dressed for our current weather…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, yes they most certainly are!


