Saturday 23 July 2022

The Gorgons - Euryale


First addition to the Cursed Host of Hera is the Gorgon Euryale, a 28mm model from Footsore Miniatures for Mortal Gods Mythic. The Gorgons were Theno (Stheno), Euryale and Medusa and were reportedly the offspring of the mother and father of all monsters in Greek Mythology, Echidna and Typhon. Interestingly Theno and Euryale were immortal and Medusa was mortal. The reason for this might be that Medusa had different parents and was considered to be the offspring of Phorkys and Keto and not Echidna and Typhon; more on Medusa in another post. The Gorgons are part snake, ugly with snakes for hair and anyone foolish enough to  gaze into their eyes would turn into stone. I will be looking at modelling some hapless victims for scenery from spare Greek miniatures I have in the lead pile. Another famous offspring of Echidna and Typhon was Cerberus the guardian of the gate to the Underworld. Sadly, Cerberus is currently not included in the Mortal Gods Mythic game, but I do have a rather lovely resin model to paint that I picked up from Bad Squidoo Games, and I'm hoping that a card and rules for Cerberus will be added at some point.  The remaining Gorgons are on the painting table. 

The Bronze Age project has suffered some delays due to work and the weather, but I managed to finish a large batch of figures this afternoon. I'm hoping to start basing them up tomorrow, so it shouldn't be too long before they make an appearance on the blog.



  1. Nicely done Meic…
    I’d say Medusa was the on that got all the good looks 😂.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, you might change your mind when you see Medusa!

