Monday 30 May 2022

Mycenaean Spearmen

28mm Mycenaean Spearmen, figures from Wargames Foundry. Absolutely love the look of the Mycenaean army, and it is one which I've wanted to paint for quite a while. Overall, ten bases of spearmen complete (60mm x 60mm), these will be used as single bases or doubles depending on the rules being used. 


Painting shields

I started by painting with Foundry shade Canvas B then Canvas C, I then used a piece torn off from the sponge packaging that comes in some figure blister packs to stipple shades of brown (Foundry Bay Brown A and Conker Brown A) and black, then used Bay Brown B and Conker Brown B as a highlight. Shield rims were painted in Foundry paints: red, blue, buff leather and ochre. The centre spine on the figure of eight shields was painted in Foundry Buff Leather. 

Other shades

Helmets are painted in Foundry Bone Yard. 

Flesh is Foundry Mediterranean Flesh.

I've had a very slow week, being busy with work commitments. Progress is however being made on the first batch of Newline Spearmen and archers.


  1. Outstanding! I have a bunch of Trojans for a new project to start someday. When I do, I will return here for inspiration.

  2. Very kind words, thanks Jonathan.

  3. Looking good Meic…
    This another of my favourite Bronze Age armies…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, it's the large shields that drew me...simple things!
